Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mazda 626 2.0L Repair Help?

Changed Radiator hose in 1993 Mazda 626. Had to remove the Distributor to get at the hose. Now the timing is off, and the car won't start. Any help would be appreciated.
Mazda 626 2.0L Repair Help?
If you have the correct firing order, and you have placed the correct wires in the correct order, and each of the wires is in the correct position in the distributor cap, then the next thing to do to get it to run well enough to adjust the timing is to position the engine with the timing marks lined up. Then inspect the distributor rotor; is it pointed to the # 1 OR # 4 wire? If not, rotate the distributor to achieve this position.

Try to start it. If it %26quot;pops%26quot; or won't start, place the distributor 180 deg. from this position (if it isn't indexed) or switch the wires in the cap to achieve the same end. Be certain that your firing order is in the correct distributor rotation. Try to start it again.

It MAY be that you will have o try to start it WHILE you are rotating the distributor housing.

Once it is running, adjust your timing according to the instructions on the VECI (Vehicle Emissions Control Information) label under the hood.

Good Luck
Mazda 626 2.0L Repair Help?
You got the cap on wrong.

Or you put the leads back on in the wrong position. Find a diagram of the cylinder to lead postition. If the leads are wrong it'll try and start - cough - kick and then backfire.
take to a mechanic if timing is not exactly right wont run right
Get a socket that will fit the crank shaft pulley. Line no. 1 piston to top dead center. Look for mark on crank pulley, and a finger over no.1 spark plug hole to feel compression. Now then put dist. back in with the rotor button pointing at no.1 sark plug wire. tighten it down. Start it and use timing light to tweak it.
Doc has the best advice..... do not keep trying to crank, you can bend a valve.......
if you still can't figure it out, check here: http://www.mazdas247.com/forum/ and someone there will be able to help you