Thursday, October 6, 2011

1997 Dodge intrepid antifreeze leaking through the overflow hose?

I had a little leak that was causing me to put antifreeze in about every 2 weeks. I was told of bar leak to block leaks.That was then put into the hose of the radiator since it doesn't have the kind of radiator you can just pour it into. Now the car is fine when I drive but if I sit in park the needle goes to half and when I turn it off antifreeze boils over through the overflow hose and I can hear the bubbling . The reservoir then is empty in the morning when I check the car. Changed water pump and thermostat. I was told to maybe try to have the radiator flushed. The thing is this didn't start happening until the bar leak was placed in the radiator. Anyone has any ideas? The needle never gets to the half mark until I sit in park then this all happens. HELP!! Should I try to have radiator flushed?
1997 Dodge intrepid antifreeze leaking through the overflow hose?
ever who told you to add bars leak to it didn't like you very much because adding that to it is real bad idea,it will clog things up like the heater core along with the radiator and cause more problems than you originally had with it,what you need to do is flush the whole system out including the radiator and the engine and hope that you can get all this out of it,if you don't it will cause more problems than you have now,that stuff was only meant to be used in severe cases where you couldn't get to a repair shop other wise never use it,good luck on it,
1997 Dodge intrepid antifreeze leaking through the overflow hose?
thanks man,i hope that didn't clog the system up to bad,i haven't ever used it and hope to never have to but have had vehicles in the shop that had it in them and it was a mess to get cleaned out,good luck with it.

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Odd. Can you locate a pinhole leak in the upper or lower radiator hoses?

Also, check the overflow container -- does it have any cracks?

Somewhere there is obviously a leak, which prevents pressure from building, which allows overflow.

It's probably in the radiator or upper/lower hoses, because that's the pressurized system.
If this is a 2.7 engine, you might have a leaking bleeder housing. It's a black box that sits on the block. You should see a sensor and a bleeder screw on top and three hoses that connect to it. I sell 1 of those every two weeks. They develop a small crack and let coolant leak out.