Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Is it time to get a new car?

I have a 1995 Honda civic, that has been a problem off and on for the last two years, I had a rebuilt replacement of the head gasket appx 5 1/2 years ago; and the radiator replaced shortly after. I had my first overheating experience since the head gasket replacement in the summer of 2007, and then several times after that, the problem appeared to the ruptured radiator hose each time. however, I had my last radiator hose change appx 2 weeks ago, but once again this past Thursday I had yet another overheat, I spoke to a mechanic he says that the head gasket is the problem, however, he will not replace it and that it would be best for me to just get a new engine. This is really starting to stress me out, I hate to call off work as this is starting to cut in to my perfect attendance, Can someone please give me there opinions and suggestions please!
Is it time to get a new car?
The best I can explain this situation to you is the following: When the cylinder head was initially removed it should have been checked for flatness with a very expensive precision straight edge. If the face of the cylinder head wasn't absolutely flat it should have been re-machined flat again. Right here is only half the issue. The cylinder head may have been re-machined flat but the mating surface of the block probably was not checked for flatness as it would have been very expensive to pull the engine strip it down and machine the block flat for a perfect job.

Next time buy a Toyota. Honda's are wannabeeToyota's
Is it time to get a new car?
yeah i would get a new car or a newer one =)

there is obviously something more than a head gasket
it,s not quiet time yet for a new car ! start figuring ! write down everything your car needs and check the prices and now figure what another car will cost you. it,s cheaper to keep your own car and fix it then get another 1. besides you don,t know what your getting hold of.
What's more cost effective for you? You can replace the car for thousands of dollars or search 95 honda civic motor (ebay) and come up with a resolution that might be better for your situation. If it's a good car other than the motor it's an easy fix. If you want a new car get one but who's to say you're not getting someone else's problem? How are your brakes, tire's, exhaust, etc. and consider the price of fixing all that needs fixed and make your choice.
My son went through the same thing with his Honda Civic and his mechanic said the same thing as yours. I agree that you should not repair your current engine. I would get a new car.
14 year old Honda? Probably needs a new or at least rebuilt engine? Dump it! It is only going to get worse as more and more components fail and have to be replaced. Car payments suck, but having a ride you can depend on is a priority. Have you looked into leasing? In some ways that can be an attractive option, depending on your driving habits.
yep, time for a new chevy cobalt XFE.
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