Can anyone verify if I must take off the hose at the bottom
for sure? It seems that with no peacock valve, the hose may
leak or deteoriate if i take off the hose. It would seem better
for mitsubitshi to have a drain plug for my annual change
of antifreeze and clean out the gunk. Because, one must
first take out the antifireeze existing, then run it with water for
15 minutes, then dain it again, after having first hooked it up
with a radiator flush, then again for water and a third time for
the new antifreeze, its a lot of times one must unscrew the hose. it seems there should be a radiator drain plug as the
constant unscrewing of the hose and putting it back on would
cause leaks in the radiator hose. Can anyone verify if the
2000 mitsubishi has no radiator drain(peacock) valve to
drain the radiator?
I cannot find a radiator drain plug on my Mitsubitho 2000 van.?
check for a peacock on your mitsubitho van again( and as far as i know you will never find a peacock valve because there is no such thing and a mistubitho i haven't ever heard of either) did you build this mistubitho van yourself and made up name as you went along
I cannot find a radiator drain plug on my Mitsubitho 2000 van.?
That's right ... no drainplug ..... but you don't need to screw the hoseclamp back on each time ... just push the hose back on the fitting and run it with the cap off for a few minutes ... and you only need to run it till it warms up and the thermostat opens making sure all the old coolant is flushed through ... when the system is clean retighten the hoseclamp.
You're better off taking the hose off anyway because you get a proper surge emptying any settled residue that might be in the bottom of your radiator ... the drain tap just trickles and clogs if you have any sediment