97 ford F-250 radiator problems: changed radiator 3X. what could be causing these radiators to start leaking?
I am assuming you know for a fact it is the radiator, and not something else leaking...
Head gasket leaking combustion gases into the cooling system, over pressurizing it... Fuel warmer leaking into system doing the same... just a few that come to mind.
Just FYI - I have had numerous bad aftermarket radiators come into our shop that were %26quot;bad%26quot; straight out of the box... I mean NUMEROUS... So don't be too quick to rule it out.
97 ford F-250 radiator problems: changed radiator 3X. what could be causing these radiators to start leaking?
are you sure its the radiator thats leaking. just a guess
I'm assuming you have 5.8L engine??
Have you inspected all the hoses??
The small one for the expansion tank (being mounted on the top of the rad.) isn't leaking %26amp; dripping somewhere??
The large ones have no corrosion on the inside where they mount to the rad??