I've changed everything but the temp sensor I dnt know if its sending the wrong info because even when I have the a/c on and fans are working it still over heats. I've done everything bleeded the air out and changed hoses and still the same
My 97 camaro is overheating. ive changed the water pump thermostat flushed d radiator new coolant?
Are you sure it's overheating? You can't always trust the gauge on the dash. A mechanic needs to check the temp of the radiator using an infrared meter or a mechanical temp gauge. Other than that, suspect a head gasket leak, or maybe the timing is off, or some water passage is blocked somewhere. Flushing the radiator doesn't necessarily mean the radiator is now clear either.
My 97 camaro is overheating. ive changed the water pump thermostat flushed d radiator new coolant?
You may want to check for blown head gasket. Was the car over heated before you replace all those cooling parts?
Check and adjust the timing with a time pistol maybe is just that, check if is any water on your oil lets hope there is nothing there and is just the timing. other wise maybe you have a crack head, Also make sure you have the correct cap in the radiator maybe is just that the pressure that goes with that particular car because you maybe have a bad cap and that will be simple buy a new one in any auto parts.
I hope is nothing mayor and you will be a happy driver again.
Sounds like maybe the radiator core could use a good professional rod-out. But are you sure it is really running hot and that the coolant temperature sensor signal is not faulty? I suggest you use a radiator temperature thermometer (or a meat thermometer) to probe the coolant temp to verify the temperature sensor signal.
check the head gasket. and get a new radiator. they run for about 300 but its worth not having to spend 1000 for head work. if it constantly overheats u may already need headwork