My Car Honda civic EG 94 3door hatch has got some issues. Its done 300K and not long I had to change its timing belt and i was told that water pump is leaking and it require an attention due to not having enough money I left it for a while till one day my radiator blew up. The top tank snapped near the radiator cap. I went and replaced my radiator ( bought a second hand one) I installed it myself and topped it up with some water and mostly coolant. After driving for a while temperature started climbing up and with in no time it was sitting all the way on high. I went to a local mechanic and he asked me to turn my heater on a full swing it might be air and this might fix it up but noting happened. brought my car home and after few days I tried to take it to mechanic to get it checked this time I realized that neither my heater nor air con is working. There is no current in the dash (even demister is switch is not working).
When the car is in idle temperature doesn't rise (not that quickly). when I am driving it suddenly starts rising and within no time it hits high.
The upper hose from the radiator stays hot while the lower hose stays cold.
I have checked all the fuses inside the car and outside under the bonnet.
I have tested out my fan motor by taking current from battery and that works ok
I went to a local mechanic and he told me that there is no drama's with head gasket. Its an electrical problem. I have been told and some reseach that fans are only used when the car is stopped to keep the air flowing but if its running there shouldn't be an issue.
I have also bleed my radiator.
Now am not sure what to do. Should I take to another mechanic or should I head to electrician.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Honda Civic EG 94 Radiator/ Electrical issues.?
Thermostat does not open when hot.(upper hose hot,lower hose cold).
Honda Civic EG 94 Radiator/ Electrical issues.?
you have to check the coolant flow .make shire you rad is not plugged ore your t/stat is stuck sounds like you have more than one problem.when you are driving and air is passing the rad it should cool the engine if it doesn`t you have bad or no flow.also if the engine was over heated very bad you could have internal engine damage.go to a good mechanic .spend some diagnostic time and get it checked sense putting more money in the car if the engine is garbage