I had a little leak that was causing me to put antifreeze in about every 2 weeks. I was told of bar leak to block leaks.That was then put into the hose of the radiator since it doesn't have the kind of radiator you can just pour it into. Now the car is fine when I drive but if I sit in park the needle goes to half and when I turn it off antifreeze boils over through the overflow hose and I can hear the bubbling . The reservoir then is empty in the morning when I check the car. Changed water pump and thermostat. I was told to maybe try to have the radiator flushed. The thing is this didn't start happening until the bar leak was placed in the radiator. Anyone has any ideas? The needle never gets to the half mark until I sit in park then this all happens. HELP!! Should I try to have radiator flushed?
1997 Dodge intrepid antifreeze leaking through the overflow hose?
What happened is the Bar's Leak plugged up the tubes on your radiator. Pull it and take it down to a radiator shop and have it boiled and rodded out. It shouldn't cost much more that $35 or $40 bucks. Maybe $50. During the boil and rod process, the person doing the work will also leak check it. When you get it back, put it back together and refill with water first. If you still notice leaks, if it is the radiator, take it back. If it is the block, add about a quarter of a teaspoon of regular black pepper. The grains of the pepper will plug most small leaks without bonding together and plugging the radiator the way Bar's Leak does.
1997 Dodge intrepid antifreeze leaking through the overflow hose?
I've had this problem before and had to get the radiator replaced. Good luck! Radiator's don't cost that much as far as I know. I purchased one for about 100$, you can check junk yards or search for used on eBay motors.