I had my oil changed on my %26#039;94 Ford Ranger and when I got it back, the radiator hose was disconnected. It resulted in me needing to purchase another radiator. When I called them and told them they disconnected the radiator hose, they said it wasn%26#039;t possible. Is it possible?|||Well if you went to a shop and had it done most likely they probably were messing with things they shouldn%26#039;t have. If it was working fine with no leaks or overheating before the oil change, and by the time you got home you lost the coolant, I would say the shop is to blame. Well the shop is wrong it is possible to disconnect a radiator hose when doing an oil change if they have some dishonest employees working for them.
Changing oil has nothing to do with touching any radiator related items.
If I were you I wouldn%26#039;t go back to that shop either. A friend of mine went to Jiffy Lube once, and they didn%26#039;t put any oil back in the engine, you can imagine the outcome of that.|||Anything is possible.|||Did you go to one of those quick oil change places? Sounds like you got scammed. Someone touched that radiator hose, there%26#039;s no reason for it. Had to be done on purpose.
Just my opinion.|||I have a 94 ranger with the little 4 cylinder.It is impossible to disconnect the hose if your changing oil...